1. Nirvana: Unplugged in NY
So my top 10 is less a reflection of new albums this year but i) what I’ve listened to the most during this strangest year ever plus ii) me moving across to vinyl and discovering new acoustics I had forgotten about and /or have never heard before. The number one is purely for both these reasons - his voice and the rawness of the album, you can hear every note, good or bad, plus I listened to it a lot during all 3 lockdown(s). It’s been my go-to album this year
2. Slow Readers Club - 91 days in isolation
3. Chet Baker - Sings
4. Johnny Cash - Johnny Cash at Folsom Prison
5. Fleetwood Mac - Rumours
6. Slide - Down So Long
7. Working Mens Club - Working Mens Club
8. Bears Den & Paul Firth - Fragments
9. Credence Clearwater Revival - Bad Moon Rising
10. White Lies: - To Lose My Life