I have decided that the Roundhouse, whilst a spectacular place for a concert, is just not that brilliant for viewing. Half the Wilco set crushed up the front ,half behind the mixing desk meant a disjointed show, viewing wise, as you lose all the atmosphere up at the back. This was however a great set that comfortably covered the band’s history with a massive chunk of the new record.
We went as far back as ‘Shouldn't Be Ashamed’ from AM and all points leading up to The Whole Love. It’ did seem to me a bit low key but that could have been because I was waiting for the current dynamic version of Via Chicago, which didn’t arrive until the next night. My Recent Wilco gigs have also been at festivals and also seemed to be more urgent. As I reflect on set list however I think I’ll be enjoying the ipod playlist over the next couple of months.
Art Of Almost
I Might
Ashes of American Flags
Bull Black Nova
I Am Trying to Break Your Heart
One Wing
Side with the Seeds
One Sunday Morning (Song for Jane Smiley's Boyfriend)
Shouldn't Be Ashamed
Born Alone
Jesus, Etc.
Capitol City
Handshake Drugs
I'm The Man Who Loves You
Standing O
Impossible Germany
Dawned On Me
Whole Love
A Shot in the Arm