I couldn't have been more wrong... there I was waxing lyrical before the gig that this was a 'no compromise' band who'd simply play their new album with barely a nod to their rich 20-year back-catalogue. 

Those remarks proved well wide of the mark - it was clear this was going to be fun, fun fun all the way as they bounced into a bunch of 'noughties' releases including Fit 4 U, Rumour Mill and Loughborough Suicide as well as giving an airing to 'We Could Be Blood', highlight from 2020's 'Sick Octave' album. 

Young Knives are on top of their game and while in their stride gave a decent showcase to excellent recent album 'Landfill' notably, 'Ugly House', 'Cause & Effect' and the singalong 'Your Car Has Arrived'. 

The Joiners sound was spot on as ever. This venue is infamously not well suited to bands departing the stage at the end of the set so it was straight into the 'encore', crammed with more YK classics The 'Decision', 'Turntail' and 'She's Attracted To'. 

In some ways I was right all along. No compromise here in rock n roll quality. Fantastic night. 
