A cult band and an iconic venue that’s soon to close...how could any music fan resist?

So we travelled deep into the beating heart of Harlow and into in the car park of this humble, welcoming venue as we reflected on it’s loss to the local music community, so that developers can build 69 new flats. Its maybe not the most beautiful place, but what a history, all the bands who played here, all the careers spawned and new dreams created. Bar staff and security are friendly, the sound is great, sightlines are good and there is space to watch standing or, sit as you wish.

Seems appropriate that the Blue Aeroplanes are almost the last act to play here (that honour goes to Eddie and the Hot Rods and venerable locals the Newtown Neurotics). Like the Square itself, they seem the product of another, happier time (this was Trump inauguration day). Their original blend of art rock, pop, poetry and performance influenced bands like Radiohead. They are having a resurgence, with excellent new album Welcome, Stranger (reviewed elsewhere on this site by Keith) getting rave reviews, and a big tour winning them new fans.

Their set started with a fanfare, then straight into standout track from the new LP, Dead Tree! Dead Tree! There are three original members, Gerard the poet/singer, John the drummer, and Wojtek, who doesnt play anything but does energetic dances to every song. It is fair to say these 3 are not as young they used to be, but somehow this makes them more distinguished and measured in their performance, especially Gerard, and even Wojtek...on the 2 past occasions I saw them I found his dances irritating, but now I am totally impressed by his energy.

The other 4 band members all play guitars, and 3 of them sing a song each. ..they seem like good friends having a great time, rocking out at the end of even the most poetic numbers. It is certainly Gerard who holds it all together, with his stage presence and understated vocals. Twice he makes the point that this is not "an exercise in nostalgia", and many of the best songs are from the new album...'Nothing will ever happen in the Future', 'Elvis Festival' and 'Here is the Heart of All Wild Things' were my favourites, standing up to the classics they played like 'Jacket Hangs'.

I found it quite endearing that he carried a big book of lyrics lest he forgot any, and was most impressed by his ‘shades roadie’ who swapped his glasses around for him after a few numbers. They ended the first of two encores with the dedicated to Nobel prize winner Mr Dylan, followed by Poetland, which closes the new album, about where Bob might now live.

A special mention for support Blazing Zoos. A self styled country(not Americana) band from London, they had a great stage presence, with many songs linked to the sports of his native Australia by main man Andrew, and one about a terrible festival they once played. He had a great interaction with the crowd, and much banter with bassist Lara, whose fans included her 7 month old son in the crowd. After their slot Lara kindly introduced me to their charming drummer Gen...who turns out to be from Jesus Jones! He gave me not just an autograph for a friend who is a big fan, but added his own blood from a minor drumming wound to his knuckles. I bet that is worth something on ebay!

Kevin Hand