Hi Tom, How is London life treating you today?
Well the sun's out, and so is my album, so all in all pretty good...
Did your choice of music as a career, come from your parent's involvement in music or do you think it could just all be in the genes?
It's definitely in the genes. Eventually it just became irresistible.
How did your tie up with Richard Hawley and his band come about and what was the most valuable piece of advice he gave you during the recording of the LP?
I was introduced to Colin Elliot through a mutual friend, and through him met Richard and his wonderful band. Richard is full of pearls of wisdom, many of which are not repeatable! He's said to me on a few occasions just to follow my heart and my creative instincts.
What is your process for writing a song, or, is it all when the spark of an idea strikes?
Song writing is a craft like any other. The hardest part is finding the first idea, the spark, that's where the work is. After that it should flow.
Do you feel like you have written an album of short stories?
Yes, it's an album of first person narratives told by rogues, chancers, unreliable fantasists and dreamers. And in amongst their tales I'm able to weave very personal lyrics too.
Where was the album recorded and over what period? Were the songs already complete before you went into the studio?
It was recorded in Sheffield at Yellow Arch studios over a period of about 3 months. I took the songs finished into the studio and we then explored different arrangements and treatments together as a band. Some songs I had very clear ideas on how we would record them, some went in quite different directions.
What are you hopes and ambitions for the record?
I hope that it finds an audience who love it and care about it.
Was there any music that you listened to through your School / College days that you still get a kick out of today?
Are you digging for guilty pleasures here?! I got played by Huey on Radio 2 the other day, and my school band used to do a version of Scooby Snax. I've always been a big fan of Fun Loving Criminals since I was at school, so it was pretty surreal to get his endorsement.
Do you have more songs already written that did not make the record and if so, what are your plans for them?
I've got hundreds. I guess most won't be recorded, but some will if the right opportunity emerges.
Finally, some of the songs on the record sound like they could sit happily on a to a West End stage, do you any ambitions to write music for theatre or films?
Funny you should ask, I've just written my first film score. I love the challenge of writing to pictures; I hope to do many more.
'War, Peace & Diplomacy' is out now via Fierce Panda records on and is available here: