You have dates this side of the pond this week, how are they going and is this the first time the band has played over here as a three piece?
We have our first show in London this evening. Just me and Joe, Mike (Belitsky), our drummer, is touring in Spain with The Sadies at the moment and couldn't make this trip. This will be the band’s second UK trip.
Do you hope to get time at Celtic Connections to see other bands?
We'll only be in Glasgow for about 16 hours but already have plans to meet up with a few musician friends. Glasgow is my home town anxiety haven't been back for a few months.
How did you all get together to make music as the New Mendicants and with what aims and hopes?
Me and Joe have known each other for quite a few years but only recently (about a year and a half ago) discovered that we lived within close proximity of each other in Canada. We met up for a beer and within minutes had decided to start making music together. Mike played with Joe as a member of The Pernice Brothers band and has also found himself living in Toronto. We really have no aims other than to make albums and tour when our other bands are dormant.
What was the process of choosing a name for the band?
I had mentioned to Joe that I thought that The Mendicants would be a good name for the group. He told me that he had recently written a song for the Scud Mountain Boys called the Mendicant. We googled that name only to discover that there were already several Mendicants in existence. Joe suggested that we add "New". We chuckled, it stuck.
It's been said (Jim) that you and Joe make a 'cute couple' is it a fun and productive relationship?
We wouldn't be doing it if it was any other way. It's very much a cottage industry at the moment.
When you personally sit down to write a song, is it clear in your mind whether it’s a Teenage Fanclub song, a New Mendicants song or something else?
Joe has written the bulk of the material for the New Mendicants at this point. I was in charge of recording the songs and played quite a bit of the other instruments and arranged a few things. I have been writing songs for the next Fanclub album which should be released next year. I'll put some songs forward for the next New Mendicants recording that we do.
You spend a lot of time on the road, is it just second nature now or, would you prefer to be more studio bound?
I enjoy both to be honest. I've always enjoyed travelling. In terms of recording, I gave a small studio at home and work in there most days.
What music are you listening to at the moment?
I recently toured in Japan and would have to say that Tenniscoats are one of the best bands that I've seen or heard in a long time. They are magical.
We know Joe is a huge baseball fan, is that rubbing off on you and if so, have you pinned your colours to a team yet?
He leant me the Ken Burns baseball documentary, which is incredible. I'm going to have to say that I give my backing to the Boston Red Sox. Joe wouldn't forgive me if I went for any other team.
What comes next for the three of you when the New Mendicants tour is finished?
We're hoping to start work on a new album soon. Like next month! That should be ready for release by the end of the year. We're hoping to visit Japan at some point too.
The New Mendicants are on One Little Indian