Hi how are you today and what's the view like?
Jon Lawless: Pretty good thanks! Just getting over a cold actually but making progress.
You had your album release show at the Horseshoe Tavern in Toronto last week, how did it go?
It was great thanks. A little on the sloppy side of things because we didn't get a soundcheck but that was our fault not the venue's. The sound person was so nice- it was actually his birthday and in a super good mood and even gave Pat (our bassist) some of his fries. O and I almost lost it when I saw Kevin Drew (Broken Social Scene co-founder) front row. Crazy night. We look up to that dude so much.
What was the feeling when you took delivery of a physical copy of the completed album (Everest) for the first time?
It was really satisfying haha. We're so happy that it's out and people can check it out!
How long has the band been together and how did you all meet up?
We've been together for a good number of years in a variety of incarnations. Basically a lot of us are from the same hometown (Owen Sound, Ontario to be exact) so we kinda know each other from various scenes there and just growing up and trying our hands at a variety of styles and projects.
Where did you record 'Everest' and was the studio experience what you expected?
It was super relaxing. Basically we went to a cabin north of where we grew up and had to make a fire everyday and cook for each other etc. Not having internet for the first little bit was a huge help.
Your sound has a lot to do with harmonies. How do you get those 'just right" when recording?
A lot of our understanding of harmonies comes from just knowing each others' voices pretty well. Kildear aka the band comprised of our members Anna Horvath and Anna Wiebe are like MASTERS of harmony it's crazy. They grew up in a Mennonite church and I'm positive that has something to do with it. Lately though actually my good friend Mary Cassidy is getting really into harmonies too and is killing it. So basically what I'm saying is I look to my friends for harmony advice. I grew up listening to too much The Smiths to fully understand harmonies haha.
Is the band a full time job and if so, do you have plenty of gigs planned for next year in support of the record and, will we see you this side of the pond?
Right now we have a number of projects in the works so not really sure how realistic touring plans are at the moment. We'd truly love to be able to play these songs for more people someday though!
I presume the Canadian winter is starting to bite … what are your Christmas plans this year?
Ahah yes there is a fresh coat of snow outside as I write this. I'm really excited to just spend quality time with family and friends and the community I'm a part of for Christmas this year.
Any Christmas traditions that are unique to Cananda that we may not know about?
Oooo good question. None that I can think of that'd be too different than the UK off the top of my head.
Finally, what was the first serious record you brought and do you still play that today?
It was probably Red Hot Chili Peppers' By The Way. I heard a crazy fact that 1 in 4 Europeans own that record is this true?!??! And ya I still occasionally listen to it-it's a pretty ambitious record. Not one of my faves anymore but I'm sure it'll get even more nostalgic with time.