Hello Suzie, how are you today and where are you?

I'm doing pretty well thanks, if a little tired. I'm currently in Sussex at my Grandmother's house drinking tea recovering from 4 weeks on the road.  It's a nice break before the last show of tour in London on Sunday.

You are on an extensive solo tour of Europe, just how does the dynamic feel, playing solo rather than with a band?

I really enjoy both - and I enjoy the opportunity to play the songs in a different way with different instrumentation.  It's hard to explain but with the solo shows at the moment I somehow feel more connected with the audience.  My live show has changed a lot over time - sometimes with band, sometimes without.  At the moment in Australia I play with cellist Gareth Skinner as a duo.  I like having that flexibility.

Tell us how you would describe your music and just what was the spark that made you take a musical path in you life?

I'm still no good at describing my music - after 6 years gigging I get asked this and still say "rock kind of stuff".  Ha, how eloquent - I'll work on that.  Other people have likened my music to Nick Cave, PJ Harvey, Cat Power, Mark Lanegan etc - I'd be happy to be in this company. Music is something I've always gravitated towards, it's a part of me - I've sung for as long as I can remember.  I took my sweet time to start gigging though.

You come from Australia, whereabouts and does your hometown have any influence on your songwriting?

I grew up in Sydney but have been living in Melbourne for the past 9 years.  I moved to Melbourne looking to find my feet musically, I had been trying to put a band together in Sydney for years and couldn't find the right fit - at the time I wasn't confidant playing guitar so would co-write and stay only on vocal duties.  Melbourne has many more venues and a really strong music scene; it provided opportunities for me to get up play.   I ended up doing this solo - but I don't think things would have worked out so well if I'd stayed in Sydney.



Photo by Liz Reed

What are the main differences being a musician based in OZ and Europe are gigs or airplay easier to come by back home?

This is only my second European tour so I'm not really too sure how different it is.  I think wherever you are you've got to work your arse off to get things happening.

Just what is the feeling when you pick up your guitar, before the first song on stage?

Usually I'm tuning at this point and checking I have all the drinks I need...

What were your favorite records back in your schooldays and do you still play any today?

Yes - Guilty. I grew up listening to Grunge - Nirvana, Soundgarden, Pearl Jam, Alice In Chains etc.  I still love those bands - and yes, I still listen to them.  Last year I saw Soundgarden play in Melbourne - they were incredible.

What are the hit songs on the CD player in the tour van this time around?

I actually haven't been listening to much music on this trip - I've been reading a lot.  But of the few tunes I've put on highlights are Ben Salter from Australia who I played with in France and saw live for the first time - was quite moving.  Also, I got Tomahawk's Oddfellows album and discovered some Woodkid as they were both playing at a Colours of Ostrava festival in Czech Republic where I also played and kicked off my tour.

Just the one London date (12 Bar Club) any plans for a return trip and is there a new album on the horizon?

I'll definitely be back some time in 2014 with a new album.  I'm going to be recording later this year. The plan when I get home is sleep, write, and record. I've already got quite a bit written but want to shut out the world for a while and just focus on putting it all together.

Finally, tell us about your Guitar/s - Old friends?

I play a Gibson Les Paul Standard.  I bought it in 2009/2010.  It has served me well - II love it's versatility, you can get a nice cleaner tone when needed or screeching feedback.   I have a Martin acoustic at home and an Ibanez acoustic.  I never play acoustic at the moment though - we're not getting along.  I had three other guitars but I sold them last year when I planned to move to London and sold all my things. Long story but it didn't happen.  At least my cupboards are clean now. We will see what the future holds...



Photo by Liz Reed

Suzie plays the 12 Bar Club in London on Sunday 18th August


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