Hi there. Hope all is well with you today, where are you? 

I'm en route back to Nashville right now, somewhere in Indiana.


Fourth Album and you have Bobby Keys and Catlin Rose on the

record, happy?.. how did that come about?


Well Caitlin and I have been together for close to 3 years so that's an easy one.

With Bobby, we'd played a couple shows with him in Nashville,iIncluding a Sticky

Fingers tribute night, so we struck up a friendship and he was kind enough to assist

us on the record.


Did you try anything new in the studio this time around that you

hadn’t onthe other three records?


Overall, we just spent a lot more time recording this time around. We

didn't want to settle, and I don't think we did. Also, we did this record

on protools as opposed to analog for the previous three. It allowed us to

focus a little more on vocals and it streamlined the whole process, by our

standards of course.


What are the Up’s & down’s of being based in Nashville as a band?


The central location of Nashville is key for touring. It's relatively

close to a bunch of different markets which makes touring so much easier

and more economic then say, doing it out of Seattle. On the other hand,

the scene is so saturated that it's easy to feel like a drop of water in

an endless sea.


There seem to be a strong influence in your music from the Stones,

Eagles and Tom Petty; is that a fair assessment? 


No matter how hard we try, it's hard not to come across as a heavily

classic rock-influenced band. I'm over fighting the label, I think it's

just in the genetic makeup of the band.



What is your song writing process and where do you tend to be

located when the seeds of a new song are sown?


I like a good front porch swing with an acoustic in hand, or being behind

the wheel when a melody comes. I prefer to come up with a melody first

before a chord structure so it can become whatever it wants to become

without the constraints of my musical theory but it doesn't always turn

out that way. Sometimes you need a few chords to serve as a spark.


How do you approach getting your music heard and making an income?

HowImportant is it for any band to find a label or, do you recommend the

‘Doit Yourself ‘to releasing and distributing music?


We were lucky enough to snag digital distribution with Sony Red, which has

done the trick for us. As long as you have a team to help distribute, I

think it's within the power of most bands starting out to get the rest

assembled DIY. As long as you go out and play a lot, and are consistently

good live, the pieces will fall into place if it's meant to be.


Give us a brief idea of how you all came together as a band and where are

you heading?


We were a bunch of bored teenagers looking for something to do in our

Hometown of Port Angeles, WA about 10 summers ago. 4 records and a few

years of touring in, we're still together. For better or for worse. I just want to make

another record and hit the road. Simple pleasures.


Where was your first gig as a band and what are the memories?


The first time we ever played live was in our drummer Ben's mom's backyard

for friends and family. We were all about 13 and we called ourselves the

Mascosts. I remember dropping to my knees at the end of a cover of the

Hives "Hate to Say I Told You So." But it was on the pavement so I put out a

Welcome Mat down so I didn't scuff up my knees. How rock and roll is that?




The new Album 'The Lonely H' is available on itunes