Did you change any of the dynamics in the studio when recording ‘Alone Aboard the Ark, as against your previous two albums?
Yeah it was a completely different approach this time. We went into a proper studio for the first time and had access to lots of great equipment. We also had a proper engineer - Konk's in house engineer Dougal Lott - who knew exactly what he was doing, so we avoided our usual’ trial and error’ approach. Arguably the biggest difference was that we recorded onto tape and recorded as many instruments live as possible. With the first album we were limited by space and the number of mics/channels, so everything was recorded one instrument at a time.
How pleased are you as a band with the new record?
This is the happiest I've ever been with one of our records. I'm endlessly critical and I usually can't listen to an album until at least a year after we've finished it. With Alone Aboard the Ark I actually enjoyed listening to the masters as soon as we got them back.
Do you have any festivals date pending this summer and if so, are there any you are particularly looking forward to?
We aren't playing a huge amount this summer but the ones we're involved in are all very special. End of the Road is always an unbridled joy and Festival Number 6 in Portmeirion should be incredible!
Where would you say the band are now after album number 3, where you thought you would be when you set out?
We've never had a master plan so I'm just shocked we've even made it to three albums. As long as we can keep making music I'll be happy, although it would be nice to bother the charts occasionally! Into the Murky Water got to 75 and Alone Aboard the Ark got to 73 - so we are making progress of sorts.
Have you collected a batch of song ideas since you have been writing that remain unrecorded and have you ever thought of doing a solo album?
I've got a huge batch of songs that I'm working on at the moment. I've got a couple of side-projects bubbling away but getting a new TLS album written is my priority.
With so many great young musicians out there do you think there’s always room for more or, is there a danger of music overload at the moment?
Thanks to the internet it's possible for anybody to get their music out there. I think it's a positive thing, the danger is that most people begrudge paying for music. It's so difficult for anyone but the biggest artists to scrape a living from music these days.
What was the first and last records you brought and why?
The first record was The Jam Funeral Pyre 7" from Our Price in Weston-Super-Mare. The last was the new Vampire Weekend CD. I'm a big fan of Vampire Weekend, the production is always interesting and I love Ezra Koenig's way with melody.
How do you keep your voice in shape on tour and how much rehearsal time do you have or need together as a band?
We actually rehearse very little, probably about three days before a tour. Everyone plays constantly with other bands in between TLS tours so they find it pretty easy to fit back into the ‘Leisurely’ groove. I'm constantly writing and singing so as long as I keep that up my voice is generally OK to tour. I definitely notice the muscles strengthening when I'm on the road though; I guess it's a volume thing.
You have a major winter tour, after that is done what are the plans for 2014?
I'm really hoping we get chance to start recording again towards the end of summer. It'd be nice to put something out early next year. I've already demoed a about five new songs so, diaries permitting, we should be able to get together again soon and start working on album four.
As a band or artist today, how far can you take the DIY approach to distributing and promoting your music before, you need to call in outside help?
We released the Sleeper ourselves and it went really well so there is no reason why you can't do it all yourself. It's always a good idea to get a radio plugger, a press person and a live agent. It can be hard finding the time to coordinate it all though, and you have to be careful it doesn't get in the way of the music. But, if you apply yourself well and get a few lucky breaks I'm sure there's no limit to what can be achieved!
UK Tour dates for the winter are below;