Hi Ólöf,

What was the spark that made you decide music was going to be your career and did you consider any other careers seriously?


I was 12, hanging out with kids from school. I felt a bit lonely and insecure and like an odd one out because I didn’t understand all the group dynamics that were going on, nor was I interested in trying to crack them. I just wanted to talk about interesting things and do something productive. Not just hang around doing nothing.


I started feeling very bored. In truth or dare I admitted freely which boy I fancied and everyone freaked out, like I had done something wrong, laughed and ridiculed me. That was it for me. I left this silly party, went home, locked myself in my room, listen to my favourite choir piece, wept and promised myself that I would dedicate my life to music.


It’s very dramatic, I know. But I was (and still can be) overly serious as a child and teen. For example I couldn’t sleep the whole night before my 13th birthday because I was in such terror, believing that this was the turning point where my childhood would come to an "end"


Are there any particular stories you would like to share behind the songs on the new album?


Not now, maybe later.


You sing in Icelandic and English, how does that effect your song writing and the structure of your songs?


I approach songs and the art of writing from a musical place only. I write them, arrange them, internalise them in my mind completely before executing them on instruments. Usually the lyrics come just before I record, so they are non influential to the song writing process.




What can you tell us about your home town and is that an influence on your music?


Reykjavík is the smallest capital in the world with the biggest ego. I love it for all it’s good and bad. Nature is always close by which gives a lot of feeling for space and freedom. The community is very small, which can be painful at times, but the increasing flow of interesting people travelling or even moving here has made it a lot less boring in the last few years.


Is music 24/7 or do you have downtime and if so, how do you like to spend that time?


Swimming, dancing, walking, playing with my son Ari and sometimes going out on the town, wining, dining and discussing everything and nothing.


With so many great young female sing-songwriters do you think there's always room for more - unless you're very different, do you think there's a danger of overload?


I’ve always played and made music because I can’t help it so these things don’t worry me.


You used Pledge Music recently. How did you find the experience and what were the main benefits to you as an artist?


Updating my understanding of social media and becoming aware that direct communication with your dedicated fans is important and fun.


Do you have any plans to tour the new album, any UK dates?


All the ducks are being put in a row at the moment and shows will be announced very very soon...