Well hello, how the devil are you today?
Good, thanks. Hello.
You are described as “a secretive progressive psychedelic band”. How would you describe your 
sound and what is the “secretive” bit?
'Secretive', as our identities are hidden, as in occult hidden knowledge. But I must stress we are 
not a Satanic band; we are transmitting messages from the Ancient Ones through our music & 
words. 'Progressive/Psychedelic'? 'Progressive' as in odd metres and chord progressions based on 
magickal charts, 'psychedelic' to describe the repetition and hypnotic feel of the music. Some of it is 
complex, as is the universe. 'Order & chaos': I think that sums up the sound & feel of the band.
What was the spark that brought the band together in the first place and with what ambitions?
The band was formed by Obed Marsh and Jules De Grandin in a stone circle when all stars & 
planets were aligned. At that time they were performing mere primitive chants. The Elders spoke to 
them in their sleep & a further few members were recruited. To please the mighty Elder Beings.
Who created the artwork for the EP Seize Decay?
The drummer Jules De Grandin. We humour his primitive scribbling in honour to the Elder Beings.
Any plans for an album in the near future?
The songs are now all written, the cover is almost finished & in March we enter our studio to lay 
down the tracks. The working title is ‘Mystery Sells, But Who's Buying’.
If as a band you could go on tour with any band or artist in the world, who would that be?
Voivod, King Crimson, Rush.
What were the albums that ‘blew you away’ at the time from school/college days that you 
exchanged with fellow students? Do you still play those records today?
Jules De Grandin: The Damned 'The Black Album' (1980). I purchased this album at the
 age of ten, I still listen to it now. Also, 'Killing Joke' (1980), Cardiac’s ‘On Land & In The Sea' (1989), Rush 'Moving Pictures' (1981). I also have to mention Goblin’s soundtrack work for Suspiria & Profondo Rosso & John Carpenter’s late '70s/early '80s scores ('The Fog', 'Escape From New York' etc…) are essential.
Obed Marsh: Killing Joke, every album. Voivod 'Killing Technology' & 'Dimension Hatröss', Rush 'A Farewell To Kings', Loop 'A Gilded Eternity'.
Where did you play your very first gig as a band and what are the memories … and what can we 
expect to hear at your Show at the London Garage next month?
The first performance will be The Garage.
Any particular instruments, effects, or recording techniques that you use that you would like to 
share with your fellow musicians?
We use an electronic harmonium that we call the ‘The Wheezer’ & an ancient monophonic Korg synth that sounds great on everything.
Any original advice for a new band just taking their first steps this year?
Don’t expect a living from music. Have belief & passion & pay respect to the Elder Beings .
Back in the seventies bands would have a few bottles of Jack Daniels on stage with them; today it all seems to be water. What are you? Whisky, water or????
Tickets for the Band’s debut Live performance on 23 February, 2013 can be purchased HERE