My first impression was that Foy Vance was American, having been listening to 'Joy of Nothing' since 2013, I was drawn with interest to the new record ‘Wild Swan’. Foy is actually from Bangor in Northern Ireland and it’s not till mid album track ‘Bangor Town’ and ‘Fired up’ the penultimate track, that this becomes clear.

So the guy is one of our own, even more good news but, the best news is that ‘Wild Swan’ is a superb record. Great songs, varying styles from the rock n’ roll opener ‘Noam Chomsky is a Soft Revolution’ , followed by the gospel flowered ‘Upbeat Feelgood’ which is followed by the Jack Johnson esqe ‘Coco’ and then a Van Morrison tinged “Casanova’.

Foy has a brilliant voice that can take on any style with ease it seems. The aforementioned ‘Bangor Town’ is a heart shaking wonder.

Songkick lists 103 coming dates, including support on the Elton John summer tour, which must be a good place to learn for an upcoming musician.

A truly great feel good record and certainly, one for your collection.

