The Kick is the debut EP from Bridport based multi-instrumentalist Gris-de-Lin.

Lead track 'The Kick' starts with a little jazzy trumpet break, simple percussion and electronic accompaniment. This is stripped away as the vocals (the lyrics in the song are apparently commentary from a rugby match assembled in a cut-up style) and piano start, then suddenly WHAM as the big drum breaks into the Arcade Fire style shouty chorus “Time...Kick”. You can probably tell there's a lot going on here. Of course with many changes in style and tempo it doesn't help the flow of the track until at the bridge when a lovely melody “ I did not feel the kick, the breeze, the prospered home and absent me” finally breaks through which makes the track worth hanging around for.

'Your Ghost' heads down a different path. Starting with a eerie, scratchy sample of a child's voice, Gris' vocal “I won't be at the mercy of your ghost” is (ahem) haunting throughout the track. The dense percussion crashes around the chorus as layers of instruments get added to fatten the sound. There's a remix by Clyma which adds a trippy, housey beat and results in a totally different feel.

Strongest track is 'Birthday' which has the most traditional song structure. Opening with an acoustic guitar and vocal reminiscent of some of Radiohead's recent output it lays off the heavy use of samples to reveal a simple, very catchy, chorus ; the use of lush strings adding and complimenting the track.

As the only constants are Gris' haunting vocals and changes in style this EP may find it difficult to find an audience who typically respond to consistency and immediacy in their music. However, there's so much that is good and interesting in these few tracks, that there are rewards for everyone who has the patience and sense to actually listen. From a musician who has this breadth of ideas in her, it will be fascinating to see what she does next.

The Kick EP is released on digital format by Noisy Little Birds / BB*Island on 22 April 2016

Alisdair Whyte