Veteran New Yorkers Nada Surf have released album number 8, and 4th for City Slang called You Know Who You Are. This follows a self imposed 4 year hiatus, where they have had time to regroup, concentrate on solo projects etc, and judging by this album, its done them no harm at all.

Led by guitarist, songwriter and vocalist Matthew Caws, You Know Who You Are is full of pop/rock riffs, sunshine and harmonies - think Teenage Fanclub and the poppier side of Death Cab For Cutie, and you won’t go far wrong.

First track shared from the new album Believe You’re Mine is a slightly more laid back affair than the rest of the album, but no less impressive for it. “One day, I’ll love somebody else, one day, I’ll take care of myself....”

Friend Hospital is also a mid tempo tune, again about love and heartbreak “so much better that we’re not together, cos I will not lose you, or be the blues to you”....

New Bird ramps up the power pop template with its driving rhythm and lack of harmonies as a more straightforward rock song, but even Caws himself states : “Sometimes it feel like, to our audience at least, we are 2 or 3 different bands at once.......other people are looking for love songs, and then some others just want to rock”.

They certainly get that contrast on this album, and next track Out Of The Dark almost has an ELO sensibility about it, with additional horns.

Rushing is another song destined to be sung back to the band on a live stage, and the Stones-like Animal will have the audience pounding and jumping like salmon.

Album highlight for me is the krautrockish pounding Gold Sounds, which sees the band chugging and churning and could potentially go on for days live..

An album full of influences, none so much as their previous work, but also is forward looking to see which direction the band will come up with next. Another really strong contender in what is already becoming a strong year.


Keith @kjsmith4082

Nada Surf website