Tuff Love will be releasing their debut album 'Resort' on Friday (29th Jan). 'Resort' brings together on one album the sell-out EP's ‘Junk’ and ‘Dross’ (both now unavailable) togther with the new EP ‘Dregs’.

I actually love track 13 - 'Threads', one of the new songs on an album of 15 tracks. The EP's are in the order they were released and unlike their self deprecating names they are superb, full of bright fast grungy garage pop numbers.

'Threads' has such a happy sound although the words are a bit more serious ("I wasted all my years on you"). It gets straight in at a fast paced drumming with guitar riffs which get stuck in your head, changing patterns throughout and interplaying with the soft vocals. It’s great when everything stops dead at 1 min 50 in and kicks off again a second later. 

The first song 'Sweet Discontent' has a much rawer sound as do the first five older numbers. All good though, moody, grungy fast paced with fuzzy guitars. The whole album is packed with great guitar hooks and hauntingly fine melodic vocals.

Tuff Love are Julie Eisenstein (guitar, vocals) and Suse Bear (bass, vocals). They are from Glasgow and are on Lost Map the indie record label run by Johnny Lynch.  They make all their music in Suse’s flat, self-engineered and self-producing everything.

Live, we were very impressed with them at Johnny’s Howlin’ Fling festival on the Isle of Eigg in 2014. They worked so hard, playing numerous sets including one at 03:30 in the morning!  They have been constantly gigging ever since so, hat's off to them both! For their live gigs they are joined by Iain Stewart who is also a drummer with The Phanthom Band.



Buy Album from Lost Map

Tuff Love website





Feb 5th - Stereo, Glasgow UK
Feb 22nd - Summerhall, Edinburgh UK
Feb 24th - Trades Club, Hebden Bridge UK
Feb 25th - London Fields Brewery, London UK
Mar 29th - La Salle du grand Marais (LSFM), Riorges FR
Apr 1st - Le Divan du Monde (LSFM), Paris FR
Apr 2nd - Les Trinitaires (LFSM), Metz FR
May 19th - The Great Escape, Brighton UK

Gig Tickets