Following 2013’s EP Happiness Hungover, LA 4 piece Northern American release their lovely debut album Modern Phenomena on Heist or Hit Records.

Comprising Nate Paul (Guitars/vocals), Shane Alch (Keyboards), Augusto Vega (Bass) and Bruno Calenda (Drums), the band purport to be a genuine collaboration with all contributing lyrics, rhythm and melody, and all clearly influenced by the California sunshine.

Kicking off with 'Feel Like Whatever', with its Elbow-like cascading synths, and Paul’s lazy drawling singing style, this is an assured, confident start, and sets the tempo for the summer-tinged rest to come.

The gorgeous 'So Natural' follows on, with its gently lilting rhythm and meandering manner, before heading into title track 'Modern Phenomena'. The collaboration seems most evident on this track as all instruments seem to have an equal bearing and weight to the overall feeling and emotional impact.

Mid way through we reach my album highlight which is the very lovely 'You Remind Me', which surely is destined for extensive radio play and single release ? A mid tempo, lazy and lugubrious sentimental ballad best listened to while lying on a beach..

The acoustic lead, and fabulous 'Elysian' closes the album in fine style, again with a beautiful interplay of instruments, and introduction of some wonderful lap steel.

One criticism is that the album may be one paced, but when it's this lovely and executed so well, who cares. You can almost feel that the album was created in a warm climate, and that everyone was smiling while recording.

Best touchstone is perhaps Real Estate with a touch of the aforementioned Elbow loveliness, but this is an album that’s been shutting out everything else since I received it, and will definitely be keeping me company during the summer months. Here’s to chill rock.

Keith @kjsmith4082




Heist or Hit Records