Today 10th March sees the release on Club AC30 of the debut ep from Melbourne based Psychedelic shoegazers Flyying Colours (notice the far out extra ‘y’) although to be fair, these are not aged 60 rockers, this is a hard working young band, learning their trade at a rapid pace.

There are five solid tracks on this ep for you the turn the volume up too, all of which are crafted with skill and killer riffs. 

Formed in 2011 Flyying Colours are Brodie, Gemma, Sam and Joshua and before this debut ep they have been earning their spurs on the Australian gig circuit and gaining an impressive reputation for their live shows as well as, the confidence to get this ep recorded and work started on their debut LP.

In the safe hands of Club AC30 there should be a lot more to come from this band in the near future.

Buy Here @ Club AC30
