The more you play this record, the more it becomes a friend. Perhaps, post middle age helps because the songs are very honest, pure and poignant and reflect a time of Henry's life, that provides songs, that everyone can or will rate too as they grow older.

Stories of Love, passing, children moving out of the house, a yearning for youth, it is all there, with delicate phasing from Henry's warm vocals and sublime musicianship throughout, this album deserves far more exposure than it is actually likely to get.

Henry has been involved in the music world for over 35 years and was a member of 'The Christians' way back when. Henry's latest album was three years in the making and follows his solo debut released on island records in 2009 called 'Chronicles of Modern Life'. This time around, 'The Last Mad Surge of Youth hits the street via Proper Records.

There is a brass opening to 'At the End of the Day' which kicks off the album with a warm reflective glow. The song is co-written with singer/songwriter, Lotte Mullan who provides harmonies as well. There is however, more than just a reflective glow; the storylines are varied as are the songs so, you really find yourself becoming immersed in the record the more you play it.

However old any musician becomes most still remain passionate about their craft as Henry shows on this record.




Proper Records


1. At The End Of The Day 
2. True Believer 
3. We Used To Be You 
4. Goodbye Common Sense 
5. Valentine Song 
6. In My Head 
7. The Last Mad Surge of Youth 
8. Rant 'N' Rave 
9. Huntin' & Gatherin' (Ain't What It Used To Be) 
10. Same Circus, Different Clowns 
11. I Cried Today 
12. A Pint of Bitter & Twisted, Please